Friday, August 28, 2009
Green Fest Panel on WNED
Friday, August 21, 2009
We Demand Transparency, NYC Sept. 12-13
Saturday, September 12th, 10 AM – 7 PM
Sunday, September 13th, 2 PM – 10 PM
St. Marks Church-in-the-Bowery, NYC
East 10th St. and 2nd Ave, NYC
The 30 authors, filmmakers, scientists, musicians, revolutionaries, and peace-makers. presenting at the conference seek to unite the peace and truth movements for real change in the USA.
The presenters include the author of “Web of Debt,” L.A. attorney Ellen Brown, who will be the lead presenter on September 13th. Maryland peace activist (and attorney) Barry Kissin will address the FBI's anthrax investigation. William Pepper, counsel to the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), which has gathered over 70,000 signatures to get a referendum on a new 9/11 investigation on the ballot this Fall in NYC, will discuss the initiative.
For more information, contact Sander Hicks, Producer, at 347-627-4705 or visit
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What Do We Face?
Talk given at Green Fest, August 9, 2009, Alfred, NY
The Green Party of New York State has some great energy! It looks like Rev. Billy and the Green candidates for City Council are going to rock New York City this fall. We've been encouraging Greens from the northern part of New Jersey to cross the Hudson and help out with the petition drive to get Billy on the ballot.
Unfortunately, from what I'm hearing based on my participation on the National Committee, the vitality in New York is kind of the exception rather than the rule these days among state Green parties. It would be hard to characterize the activity in my own state as energetic. Odd-numbered years are actually major electoral years in New Jersey, so this year there's a gubernatorial race plus races for 80 State Assembly seats and 40 State Senate seats in addition to hundreds of municipal- and county-level offices. With all of those opportunities, the Greens have two candidates in New Jersey - one for Assembly and one for council in a small town.
I'm aware that individual state parties have their ups and downs. One year in New Jersey we ran almost a full slate for the Congressional races -- we fielded candidates in something like eleven of the thirteen races. I remember how the New Mexico Greens were so dynamic during the nineties, but have been much less so recently. On the other hand, the Illinois party was not much to speak about ten years ago, but has really blossomed since the breakthrough campaign of Rich Whitney for Governor in 2006.
But I think an overall assessment would have to acknowledge a degree of disappointment that the Green Party, generally ... nationwide ... is much farther from breaking through -- from breaking out of the shadows of marginalism -- than many of us had hoped would be the case at this point -- as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the movement.
It was on August 10, 1984 -- 25 years ago tomorrow -- that 62 people came together on the campus of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota to establish the Green Committees of Correspondence. That was the initiation of the Green politics movement in the United States. It followed in the wake of the successes of Die Grunen in Germany after they became the first Green Party to enter a national parliament in 1983.
By the latter part of the '80s, in the U.S., Green Party candidates had started to appear on some ballots in a few states. During the '90s permanent ballot status became the goal of the growing number of state parties. Then we had that great shot-in-the-arm from the Nader campaign in 2000. That put us on the map; it enabled us to increase our media coverage, ramp up our membership, recruit more candidates.
The impacts of the Reform Party campaign of 1996 and the Green Party campaign of 2000 generated some hopeful talk about the development of a four-party system in this country. The idea was that there could be a major party of the left, the Democrats, and a minor party of the left, the Greens; alongside a major party of the right, the Republicans, and a minor party of the right, either the Libertarians or the Reform Party.
If there was ever any real momentum in that direction, it didn't last. The Reform Party just faded away, as had so many others in recent memory: the Labor Party, the New Party, the Citizens Party, the 21st Century Party. It's actually something of a tribute to us that we've endured for 25 years. The Libertarian Party was founded in 1972 and thus has endured for even longer, 37 years.
But it's 25 years or 37 years of enduring at the margins of American political life.
We know that third party politics in a winner-take-all system is excruciatingly hard. Nonetheless, an argument can be made that we, the Greens here in the U.S., ought to be doing better. They have a winner-take-all system in Canada, but the Canadian Green Party has been growing impressively in the last couple of years and is anticipating electing their first Member of Parliament in a coming national election.
They have a winner-take-all system in England, but the Green Party there just garnered 8.7% of the national vote in June's European Parliament elections. That's up from 6.1% in 2004. Two of their candidates were elected to the parliament and the Greens polled the *highest* vote totals in three cities, receiving 31% of the vote in Brighton, 26% in Oxford, and 25% in Norwich.
When we look at countries with proportional representation systems the reports are even more encouraging. The Green Party of Germany now has a solid, consistent base of 10-12% of the electorate. In those European Parliament elections in June the big story across the continent was the surge in the Green vote. A story from Reuters on June 7 quoted Thomas Klau at the Center for European Reform saying: "The rise of the Green Party has been striking. The Greens are the one political force in the European Union that has been closest to creating a true European party, a true European political movement ... with a political message that is strong and plausible."
In France, where Sarkozy's center-right party won with about 28% of the vote, the Socialists received 16.5% and the Greens were right behind them with 16.2%. This resulted in the Socialists and the Greens each getting 14 seats in the European Parliament. In greater Paris and in the south-east region of the country the Greens were the second most popular party. A couple of days after the election, Sarkozy invited Daniel Cohn-Bendit and several other Green leaders to the Elysee Palace for a chat. According to the New York Times, after the meeting Cohn-Bendit said: "Sarkozy realizes there's a green wave in France and he wants to surf it."
Well, there's a green wave just about everywhere these days. I think I'm justified in saying that nothing has more mojo in our culture right now than the concept of greening. Everything is going green, right? ... buildings and homes, appliances, foods, cars ... college campuses ... mutual funds ... Goldman Sachs says the atrium of its corporate headquarters in Manhattan has gone green with organic plants and VOC-free finishes and a micro-porous bioceramic filtration system in its water coolers!
We know that there's an enormous amount of greenwashing going on, an enormous amount of hype and opportunism associated with this trend, but we shouldn't discount its genuine significance and energy. Greening is clearly becoming a major phenomenon, one that can potentially, at least, change lifeways. I see it as the beginning - just the beginning - of a long-term transformation of human consciousness, one that's happening globally and ultimately involves nothing less than the trajectory of our civilization ... which must be re-directed onto a path of sustainability. This is *starting* to become understood; younger generations grow up now very aware of what Earth Day means.
It would seem logical that the political parties that give electoral expression to this phenomenon - the Green parties - would thrive. And what's happening in Europe bears this out.
So the question has to be asked: What's wrong with Kansas? What's wrong with New Jersey? Why are so many of our state parties and the US Green Party suffering from lethargy or arrested development ... and from an ongoing, frustrating consignment to the margins?
We need to understand where we're at, and why. We need to be able to explain it ... to ourselves and to others.
Some of the factors are clearcut. Any analysis of the situation has to start off mentioning that inescapable bane-of-existence for all third parties operating within a winner-take-all system, namely: the so-called "spoiler" problem. This issue hangs over our heads at all times, but it became a front-and-center source of division among Greens, in particular, after the very prominent and controversial impact we had during what was essentially our very first full national campaign in 2000.
The division in our ranks about this - whether to care about spoiling or not - was surely one factor, if not the primary factor, that resulted in the dissolution of the alliance between the Greens and Ralph Nader after the 2000 campaign. Whether viewed as Nader abandoning us, or our failure to sustain the alliance; whether his mistake or our mistake ... the bottom line was that it was a bad situation for us. His competing candidacies as an independent in 2004 and 2008 hurt our campaigns. Some of the electorate continued to blame *us* for the 2000 Bush/Gore fiasco, while some people chastised us for "losing Nader." The whole thing ended up being dispiriting for many Greens and disheartening for potential supporters who had been intrigued by the idea that a Nader/Green alliance might become a serious new political force.
Another ongoing factor contributing to our marginalization - another constant of third party political life - is cooptation. The lettering or background on the campaign signs of Democratic Party candidates in local races in my state often is ... emerald green. The signs shout: "If you care about the environment, vote Democrat." If Nader's vote-total really did make any difference in terms of Al Gore being denied the presidency in 2000, then a case can be made that he did the Democrats a great favor. Out of office Gore was liberated to take a strong environmentalist stance he never would have taken as president. Subsequently Gore's books and his movie very much helped the Dems to co-opt the greening issue.
We also have to understand that a party like ours will always tend to be subject to the vagaries of the power cycle in Washington. No surprise that it was the Democrats who were the primary beneficiaries of the revulsion engendered by the Bush II Republican administration. When they - the Democrats - were in power during the 1990s, the inevitable disillusionment and dissatisfaction with them helped us to make the case that we are the real progressive alternative. It made sense, then, that our best showing in a national campaign, in 2000, came after the eight years of Clinton-Gore, and our weakest national vote total, in 2008, came after the eight years of Bush-Cheney.
Cynthia McKinney was a terrific candidate for us last year. She had to be disappointed to wind up with under 200,000 votes in the whole country and the lowest total among the minor party candidates.
Are we the least viable among the third parties? No ... to the contrary, I think we have the most potential among them. But we could get discouraged with results like we saw nationally last year. Unless - again - we're clear about where we're at, where we've been, and what we face.
After being down for the last so many years - three, four, five years - on account of the factors I've mentioned, and others, most of us are *not* discouraged, it seems to me - and I think the main reason is that we see the growth of the sustainability movement all around us - and we feel it should mean that it's just a question of time and continued effort and the confluence of the right set of circumstances until we break through -- in the way that the Canadian Greens seem to be on the verge of doing. They also languished for many years until recently when a couple of fortuitous things happened. First of all, with Canada having stronger cultural ties to Europe than America has, the successes of the European Green parties have had more influence on the electorate there than here. Second of all, the well-known, well-respected, and dynamic longstanding executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada made the growth of the Green Party her passion three or four years ago. Elizabeth May has been helping enormously to transform that party into a serious force in Canadian politics, and their time seems to have arrived.
And now, here in the U.S., the Democrats are in power again, giving us the chance to better make the case that we're the real alternative. There are a lot of positives suggesting that the time for our breakthrough may be nearer at hand than our recent frustrations would otherwise indicate.
But ...
I want to finish with a kind of cautionary projection regarding what we might be facing as activists working for social and political change in this particular time and place.
I think there is a *possibility* that neither the Green Party nor any other third party will ever break through here in the United States.
The microcosmic feeling we've had of being kind of stuck-in-place may be a function of operating within a society which is, in fact and indeed, stuck-in-place at a macro level.
This is the so-called cradle of democracy, yet progress toward multi-party democracy, evident in country after county all over the world, has been notably absent here. It is not inconceivable that America may never replace its archaic winner-take-all electoral system. Or, to put it the other way, as grotesque, outlandish, and morbid as it may sound, America may pass into oblivion still mesmerized by the sorry spectacle of Republican vs. Democrat.
Why? Well, there is an historical pattern whereby the most dominant and ostensibly successful empires can just atrophy over time into a stupor of inertia, complacency, and stasis. Things that are going in a direction deemed to be successful tend to keep going in that direction ... beyond the point where they've maxxed out their potential ... and then they ossify, unable to resolve festering problems or to even recognize them: consumption rather than production; intractable inequality; breakdown of community; disregard for limits.
Egypt, Rome, Spain, England ... America ...
Those of us who came of age during the sixties know how clearly the imperative for fundamental social change in this country was articulated at that time. Well, a full adult lifetime has passed since then, over 40 years, and the extent of significant social change has been extremely disappointing . . .
. This country just can't seem to get anywhere in terms of significantly resolving its healthcare crisis. Try after try after half-hearted try.
. This country is on a track leading to bankruptcy - entitlement obligations, as well as social programs, are way underfunded - yet the United States just can't find a way to reduce its insanely bloated and unnecessary military expenditures - whether the administration is Republican or Democratic.
. The American suburban middle class lifestyle paradigm is unsustainable and spiritually bankrupt, but efforts to transform it - like the cohousing, relocalization, and new urbanism movements - remain marginal.
. The two establishment parties command less and less loyalty as the decades pass, but electoral alternatives like the Green Party just can't get any traction.
These are signs of atrophy. The folly of aspiring to dominance and imperial expansion is so persistent, so ingrained at this point, that the United States of America, as a nation-state and a society, could conceivably be beyond redemption.
Maybe the onset of what Richard Heinberg calls Peak Everything will jolt this country out of its imperialist, materialist rut ... and in that case pathways toward the Greening of America might open up, and the prospects for the Green Party here might become as bright as they are in most other advanced democracies.
But we need to be aware of the possibility that this country, uniquely suffering from having its head in the clouds of grandiosity and dominance, will just simply fail to see the light that everyone else can see.
We need to keep trying even if there is a chance that that's what we face. The opening up of the electoral system in this country would be beneficial to the entire global geopolitical landscape. America is currently the great cultural trendsetter, so a breakthrough for Green politics in this country would advance our movement immeasurably worldwide.
As especially hard as it might be to accomplish our goals in this country, we also have a special responsibility to work as hard as we can to try to do so. Real hope for our country (as opposed to Obama's vacuous and now fading hope) ... real hope lies with the prospect that we might succeed in our efforts. (By "we" I don't mean just members or supporters of the Green Party ... grandiosity is the problem, certainly not the solution! By "we" I mean all those who understand, support, or work for eco-communitarian, socially just alternative politics and lifeways.)
But if it comes to pass that America goes into terminal decline while still offering only two choices on its ballots ... so be it ... our focus as Greens will have to shift toward building the new society -- locality by locality, region by region -- within the shell of the old imperial center as it crumbles away.
In fact, we can and ought to be doing both at the same time: trying to open up the electoral system, trying to grow the Green Party; and also building up alternative institutions ... constructing lifeboats ...
Clearly, there's lots of work to be done.
We need to be realistic about our situation and have a long-term perspective in regard to our prospects. We undoubtedly face our share of ups and downs ... including periodic bouts of malaise. But we need to shrug those off. Discouragement can't be an option.
We need to find ways to encourage each other, energize each other and sustain the energy of our movement. Turning to the Rev. Billy's of the world for re-spiritization - and fun - helps a lot. Events like this wonderful Green Fest help a lot. It's been a great couple of days - thanks again to the organizers - and I look forward to seeing everyone again at the next Green Fest ... maybe our breakthrough will then be at hand, or at least a couple of steps closer ...
Steve Welzer is a founder of the Green Party of New Jersey and a member of the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States. He is the editor of the GreenGram, the newsletter of Green Party of New Jersey, and is a co-editor of Green Horizon magazine. He also writes for Synthesis/Regeneration, a magazine of Green social thought. Steve was a Green Party candidate for US Congress from New Jersey in 2008, and this year he is running for State Assembly. He lives in East Windsor, New Jersey.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Importance of Theory in Independent Progressive Politics
We are gathered together, both here and within the Green Party overall, because we want to engage in the great political work of the day. It is a day that is truly benighted where peace, civil liberties, communities, and our own environment is threatened by a comprehensive system of power. If we are to fight this power then there is the necessity to understand its operation, how it functions and consolidates its influence to such a degree that at first blush it seems impossible to oppose it. This is where theory comes in as a supplement to political action. I will give some examples of what theory can do to enrich our work, and illustrate that theory is not only an embellishment or flavoring to action, but a vital binding agent that makes our actions sensible.
Theory can basically be defined as the way to explain how something works. In science we have various theories on how the universe operates, not only explaining how it works but why it works as opposed to another possible method. And in the larger debate concerning evolution versus creationism, we can see that the use of the word theory should not discourage one from believing that a well-formed theory that can be proven through perception can be an accurate description of reality. The same can be said of theories that apply to the social, political, cultural, and economic as well. Theory does not have to be relegated to the ethereal domain of highly abstract metaphysics that have no relationship to everyday experiences for human beings. Georg Lukacs proposed that as practice can be the objective expression of theory, theory can be the subjective understanding and consciousness of practice. In fact, since a theory can be considered an explanation, it has a structural aspect that directly impacts reality in much the same way as other structures. The system of a language as an example of a structure shows that there is a general background and particular actions. For language, humans find themselves always already within a system that has a vocabulary and grammar, but it is human speech that makes various combinations of words and sentences that is not specifically predetermined. In comparison, those who engage in progressive activism and electoral politics can take up what others have already studied in order to find new applications of theory. This theoretical background and application can work in tandem in order to promote an understanding of power, meaning, and production as well as a self-awareness of the human role in these systems. In other words, the immediate goal of theory is to advance knowledge, and that is a very important factor in political action.
It goes without saying that the old adage "knowledge is power" is as true today as it ever was. Incorporating theory into action is something that is more of a necessity for our goals than just a slight supplement to the Green Party. If we are willing to see political action as a material manifestation of what we want to achieve, then we must also conclude that political theory is the immaterial manifestation, the other side of the proverbial coin. And like a coin, it can be very difficult to observe both sides at the same time. But they are most definitely connected, with theory and practice supporting each other. The inability to readily perceive both at the same time can be problematic. The appearance of theory in itself can be too abstract for everyday comprehension, while the appearance of action in itself can be easily assimilated into the two-party system. In other words, theory can look as if it is unrelated to human needs and action can be defined as a side project within the dominant two major parties that will weaken such action and take away its significance for real change. Therefore, the relationship between theory and action must be understood as reciprocal despite the hardship of viewing them together. Theory is the general background for particular political actions. Theory is also the ability to communicate a general viewpoint that is also a worldview, and for us would be a Green perspective on reality. Political action is the ability to practice a transformation of the social, political, cultural, and economic fields of reality. A successful transformation requires the interaction of theory and practice. The vital aspect to point out is that action without a theoretical foundation can be disbursed into isolated things by the structure of power, and theory without its expression into concrete action can be seen simply as academic conversation. In either case, the transformation that we would seek would be harder to accomplish if not outright impossible. Frankly, we had elements of this phenomenon already occurring during the 1990's. The various cases of activism, and even the significant work of Ralph Nader, were ignored by both the Clinton administration and the Republican Congress as they moved forward with the neoliberal capitalist agenda. Theory was exiled to the universities under the overarching term of "Cultural Studies" where some valid critiques of the relationship between power and meaning were conducted, but in most cases it became an easy target for the conservative offensive in the culture wars. It was assumed that activists would automatically vote Democrat regardless of the collaboration on policy between the White House and Congress. The theorists were relegated to a straw man misinterpretation in order to illustrate the failings of being a "liberal" regardless of what Democrats actually did in government. In fact, these superficial accusations maintained the appearance that there was a divergence between Democrats and Republicans that obscured the reality of a convergence in terms of policy and perpetuating the status quo. Those in power were able to diminish both theory and practice by keeping them separate. And this was the political reality that the 21st century inherited. There was the possibility of a realization of theory and practice joined together in the emerging anti-globalization movement at that time. Unfortunately, September 11th of 2001 was used to weaken that movement and recalibrate the political landscape in favor of the existing structures of power. But the fact that the anti-globalization movement grew outside of the two-party system is significant. It demonstrated that theory and practice can find fertile ground, and this is a characteristic which the Green Party can handily emulate. Outside of the Democrats and Republicans, there is the presentation of the Green Party as not only new but more than what has been assumed in political parties. This presentation is the strongest way to influence modern politics at a time where business as usual has seemed to run into its inevitable dead end. And we must use theory and action together to insure our status as an alternative that, to paraphrase our 2008 Vice Presidential candidate Rosa Clemente, is also an imperative.
For the sake of clarification on what theory would look like, I will summarize the ideas of three philosophers. Michel Foucault, Alain Badiou, and Gilles Deleuze all arise from poststructuralism. As structuralism was a school of philosophy that proposed that reality was determined by various structures, poststructuralism holds that these structures have limitations and therefore they can be taken apart and analyzed. The work of poststructuralism can be a rich resource for our political work since we as the Green Party obviously struggle against various forms of power on a daily basis. I would argue that our activities, through poststructuralism, can also look at the influence of structures of meaning and production on the lives of citizens alongside structures of power. Our struggle can make these structures apparent and immanent, rather than having them remain in an appearance of naturalness and timelessness as transcendent figures. By looking at the three examples of Foucault, Badiou, and Deleuze we will not only have a sense of how to begin theory. We will also begin to see a new definition of progressive politics as the work of immanence against transcendence in public life.
Michel Foucault's work can be seen as a development through the three stages or ideas of knowledge, power, and the self. Early in his career he looked at how knowledge was organized through various academic discourses in his book "The Order Of Things" and later "The Archeology Of Knowledge". He then transitioned into how discourses worked in conjunction with systems of power by looking at the various social institutions of the hospital, the insane asylum, and the prison in the books "The Birth Of The Clinic", "Madness And Civilization", and "Discipline and Punish" respectively. Along with numerous essays and transcribed lectures, Foucault's philosophical work came to the apex with his three volumes of "The History Of Sexuality" where he explored the possibility of an ethics to deal with knowledge and power. In this work he proposed that ethics must begin as an acknowledgement and attitude toward the self before it can be an attitude toward others. Unfortunately, his untimely death in 1984 prevented this trilogy from being completed. The flow of his work is comprehensive in nature, each stage incorporating the previous stage while also illustrating how each stage is interconnected. As his work progressed, Foucault emerged from being a mere sociologist to being someone directly engaged in the political sphere and what it entails. I contend that his work can be seen as a model of how theory can be applied to practice, and will also put forth the idea that the stages of his work can be used to organize the relevant relationship between himself and Badiou and Deleuze. In other words, the three stages of knowledge, power, and the self can be used as examples of describing how things were, how things change, and how they could be.
Since Foucault was never able to finish the articulation of his final stage, I will present his work as the description of how things were. Human knowledge is shaped by sets of discourse, and these discourses act as the determination of truth and facts. A discourse is a system of meaning used to explain reality. However, the appearance of truth as reality obscures the visibility of the system of meaning. The structure of the discourse recedes into the background as reality is explained to humans. Therefore, it seems that finding truth is just a matter of a direct perception of reality, but what actually occurs is an active exclusion of the false from the true as facts are organized within discourses. Discourses are the invisible mediation of reality that contain and limit the expression of reality. As one moves from one discourse to another, the change in emphasis can hint at how reality is actively sorted and classified by structures of meaning that build human knowledge. We might have hints as to a reality external to any human discourse, but it is never complete and we are unable to understand it. In order to understand reality, a discourse must always be there and these discourses are never completely neutral or objective. In the examination of power, one finds structures of meaning forming and operating in a simultaneous way with structures of power. Power in reality is a potential expressed by all individuals through choices and actions. But this form of power as simple force can be consolidated through institutions. Inequalities of power can develop and manifest themselves as what we usually recognize as the power of government or military might. However, the institutions that collect power do not necessarily need brute force. These institutions initiate the same process of containment and limitation that one would see in discourses. What emerges from the structures of power is discipline and regulation. The discipline of individuals creates the identity of the subject, and the regulation of groups creates the identity of the population. In this new attitude of power, the role of government becomes that of a control that is not motivated by a self interest of a ruler, but a system that preserves life to such a degree that it intercedes on the ability of individuals to make their own choices. In other words, this continuous control seeks to increase a bodily and biological productivity while decreasing any transgression or resistance from this system. With a system of control that becomes more impersonal, and some would argue scientific, the issue of ethics becomes more important as a response. Ethics is the care of the self which can be a resistance to both discourse and discipline. Tracing the history of ethics, one finds that in the ancient world there was the question of how one should live. In the early modern era the question was how one should act. There can thus follow the potential for the question of how one might live. This final question requires the need for individuals to make choices in order to shape their future and be an active participant in their own being. Here is where Foucault saw the chance to escape the expansion of power that occurred through a system of control, spreading out from the prisons, hospitals, schools, and barracks of a society. The exact details of this ethics is still open to interpretation.
Alain Badiou, in contrast, has devoted most of his career to the examination of the event. He uses this term, the event, specifically as the point of change from a structured reality to a new opportunity for truth that is free of any bindings. The event can be a revolution, and Badiou has used the French Revolution as an example of a past event, but it is not restricted solely to revolutions. Another characteristic of his work is his use of set theory from mathematics to explain being, even going so far as to say that “mathematics is ontology”. In the 1980's he wrote his master work “Being And Event” which is the starting point of his philosophy, and most recently completed his sequel “Logique Des Mondes” which has just been translated into English as “Logics Of Worlds”. Badiou begins with things as they are and he uses set theory to show how various structures organize reality. The advantage to set theory is that it is a branch of mathematics that does not require complex equations and can be visualized as things contained within boxes. How they are contained in these proverbial boxes is based on some arbitrary grouping rather than a common trait they all share. And there can be boxes within boxes as the things are subdivided into smaller groups. It should be noted that the things in these boxes can be members of different subsets simultaneously according to the multiple ways they can be organized. There are various permutations of how these things can be grouped together. Using this basic understanding of set theory can illustrate how Badiou explains reality and its structuration, as well as prepare the stage for how the event can disrupt this situation.
Reality in itself is a multiplicity of differences, where each part that exists is absolutely different from all other parts. Each attempt to fathom reality is an arbitrary grouping together within one set. This set, where reality is contained in one general term in order to understand it, is called the counting as one. Even though this set tries to unify reality, reality will always exceed the counting as one. The counting as one is a finite snapshot of an infinite reality as a starting point for an understanding of that reality. There is always a surplus or excess that will be a factor during the event later on. The structuring of reality therefore appears to be universal but is only one particular attempt among many structures. In this process, a structure can be complete and inconsistent or incomplete and consistent, but it can never be both. Each structure, as it takes on the appearance of a universal knowledge of reality, will develop internal contradictions. These internal contradictions reflect the surplus of reality that is still not contained by these various structures. This instability of structural formations allows for reality to impose itself into what is structured through the event. The relationship of structures to the event is that of an established knowledge of reality as it is ruptured by the reality that can not be included by this knowledge. For humans, this knowledge is always preexisting and ubiquitous. The mediation of structures is the inclusion and exclusion of specific parts of reality. However, the event is a sudden occurrence that can not be predicted, is unique each time it occurs, and has a universal affect. The change it enacts is total and sudden. The event, as a disruption of existing structures, is also the introduction of an infinite reality into these structures. We get a glimpse into reality as an absolute multiplicity. The event changes what is considered natural and eternal. After the event, everything is at stake and everything becomes apparent to humans. Its consequences is referred to as the fidelity to the event, which is the exploration of the truth by individuals without recourse to the structures that were taken apart by the event. Badiou would theorize that truth could be discovered through the four procedures of politics, science, art, and love. The event is the space of opportunity for this fidelity where decisions can be made that would have been limited within structures. In other words, the event allows for the full participation of freedom and its responsibilities. The event is revolutionary without being defined solely as a physical or political revolution. Since there are no longer predeterminations in the aftermath of the event, the practice of freedom directed toward truth is a decision on whether new methods for truth are created or whether new restricting structures develop. Structures that are formed after the event can either be instruments for truth and freedom or a return to the seemingly universal containment of reality where individuals are denied direct participation. How this truth is found is up to individuals as free individuals who are committed to the discovery.
Gilles Deleuze, a contemporary of both Foucault and Badiou, developed a theory of being that would later be elaborated into a precise political theory. His career began with works on various thinkers such as Hume, Nietzsche, and Bergson that would interpret their theories in a direction that could produce new ideas. His own ontology began with his works “Difference And Repetition” and “Logic Of Sense” that attempted to explain how the new was produced in reality in terms of subjects, objects, and systems. He described a process where the virtual, defined as infinite possibilities within reality, was actualized into specific combinations that would produce both living and nonliving things. This perpetual construction of reality that could be experienced was the foundation for an interaction between the virtual and the actual that defined being as a process of becoming. Becoming would occur as a process starting from the virtual as the general state of existence to the actual as the particular case of being. This analysis of being and how it operates was given a new application when he collaborated with psychoanalyst Felix Guattari on the two volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia, known respectively as “Anti-Oedipus” and “A Thousand Plateaus”. For Deleuze, political activity and theory must be based on a sense of being and existence, and his political work with Guattari expresses this sentiment clearly. In other words, how political systems are formed is similar to how any system is formed in reality, whether it is biological, economic, cultural, or mechanical.
Deleuze shares with Badiou a conceptualization of reality in itself as a multiplicity of absolute difference. For Deleuze, this is an adaptation from Spinoza, who posited reality as one single substance from which characteristics divide up reality. Deleuze's sense of being is a transition from the difference of quality in itself to a difference of quantity within distinct elements such as subjects, objects, and systems. Humans experience this difference within the repetition of time, where each repetition within a different moment in time produces something different regardless of other similar traits. For example, one chair can be built at one time period, and one hour later another chair that is a perfect copy can be built. Despite the same physical properties, the change in time determines that there can never be an exact repetition of the same chair. For Deleuze, this change in time is expressed through three dimensional space. The movement, from reality in itself with its one substance and differences in quality to various things with differences in quantity that make up experienced reality, is referred to as the movement from the virtual to the actual. Both the virtual and the actual are real and exist simultaneously to each other. The virtual as possibility becomes the actual as material and ideal reality. The virtual is all nascent combinations of parts of reality that are manifested into particular things through the formation of structures. Structures are constructed through innate difference, and difference can be seen as the engine for this construction. Structures themselves are also the products of actualization. This actualization process occurs within a human context, making it easier to be perceived by humans, but it also occurs in the world among matter independent of human intervention. For our discussion, we will concentrate on the human sphere of actualization. The question that now emerges is whether these structural formations out of the virtual are eternal or constantly changing. Because the virtual is never exhausted by the actualization process, the actual can always dissipate back into the virtual in order to be actualized again in a different way. Deleuze uses the three terms territorialization, deterritorialization, and reterritorialization when describing this process. A territorialization is a formation of a structure, deterritorialization is the breaking up of a structure into its parts, and reterritorialization is the formation of a new structure from these parts. What appears, disappears, and reappears in this transition is the relationships among parts rather than the parts themselves. The parts are reality in itself that exist in the virtual and are shaped in the actual. The political ramification is whether the movement through these three terms result in transcendence or immanence. Transcendence is the formation of absolute structures from particular formations and can be seen in a territorialization that never deterritorializes. The actualization in this case becomes static and the structure in question appears to be a universal and top-down kind of truth. On the other hand, immanence is the recognition that parts in a structure exist on the same level to each other, and the structure itself is on the same level as the reality it organizes. After a deterritorialization, the new emerging structures can either be transcendent or immanent depending on how dynamic is the actualization. In the context of the Green Party, and independent progressive politics, it is clear that immanence is the side that we are on as it resembles grassroots democracy and decentralization. In his political analysis, immanence is also the position supported by Deleuze.
As can be seen, a productive process occurs in reality. Humans participate in this process by actively creating structures alongside structures forming in nature. The slight distinction is that humans create structures for specific purposes, and the starting point is human desire. Deleuze, in his work with Guattari, rejects the common held opinion that desire is based on a lack within individual humans that motivates them to need something external to them to fulfill their need. Passive consumerism is an example of desire as lack, and this can be part of the restrictive characteristic of capitalism overall. Human desire is described as desiring-production that engages with a process of absolute deterritorialization and relative reterritorialization. Instead of having monolithic structures where humans are embedded within them and controlled by them, desiring-production is the creation of small structures that can be practical tools. Overall there is a breaking apart of large universal structures which in turn is the space for particular structures to emerge and fade away when no longer needed. These small structures are called molecular while top-down impositions of structures are referred to as molar. The importance of this large open space for small and local creativity, what Deleuze has called a body without organs, is the ability for a becoming on a molecular scale and a micropolitics within transcendent and molar reality. The small immanent structures are the organs that form for molecular uses, that serve a purpose without expanding beyond the power and control of human desire. The real stage for political action is not universal and centralized methods, that can inadvertently recreate domination, but the particular and decentralized structures which are expressions of desire. The desiring-production within a body without organs is this very expression of freedom through desire, and for Deleuze it is the epicenter of revolutionary political potential. It should be noted that the idea of desiring-production, as the creation of immanent structures, is not entirely an abstract endeavor relegated to the production of consumer goods or art. In light of what has been described as immanent structures, it is important to point out that these immanent structures can be directly applied to what Greens do on an almost daily basis. In other words, examples of immanent structures can be solar panels for home-use, a food coop in the local community, or a series of specific laws that would repeal the entire War On Drugs in favor of realistic classifications of chemical effects and consequences.
Michel Foucault delved deep into how structures shape the human experience of reality as a way to control humans. Alain Badiou explored the possibilities that would emerge from the sudden disruption of these kind of structures. Gilles Deleuze proposed the needed attitude toward recreating the world after this disruption. They are all relevant to each other as well as to the greater political implications and applications that we are interested in. The ability to be used in conjunction has demonstrated that these three philosophers are useful for an overall project of theory. We can see the close relationship between control, change, and desire through Foucault, Badiou, and Deleuze and how one moves into the other. The transition from control to change to desire is inherently a political issue, and can be one of the many ways theory illuminates as it is seriously engaged.
These three examples are not completely exclusive. There is great potential in other examples such as Giorgio Agamben, Cornelius Castoriadis, Guy Debord, and Slavoj Zizek among others. I recommended all of them as a wonderful source of thought for further personal exploration. The important point to address is that theses theorists create a foundation for a cohesive political action. Because these theorists deal specifically with issues of power, meaning, and production, they are just as important in our work as running candidates in elections, staging protests, and addressing our grievances to democratically elected governments that is supposedly insured by our Constitution. It can be said that our melding of theory and action is an implementation of populism in a more progressive and radical fashion. Reform populism can be defined as people coming together to form collectives of opposition because they feel that there are elements or persons in the government and society that is going against the original purpose of a democracy. They are limited in that they feel that the system overall naturally works and can be fixed by removing specific parts. There is only so much they can do to enact change. On the other hand, our form of radical populism seeks to use these collectives of opposition to begin an analysis and transformation of not only the government, not only the society, but perhaps all of reality.
In conclusion, and in summation, the words of Foucault and Deleuze can best describe the importance of theory. In his essay "What Is Enlightenment?", Foucault states that "The critical ontology of ourselves has to be considered not, certainly, as a theory, a doctrine, nor even as a permanent body of knowledge that is accumulating; it has to be conceived as an attitude, an ethos, a philosophical life in which the critique of what we are is at one and the same time the historical analysis of the limits that are imposed on us and an experiment with the possibility of going beyond them.". This quote fits in well with the following quote by Deleuze, that states “A theory is exactly like a tool-box. It must be useful, it must work. And not for itself. If there are no people to use it, including the theoretician himself who thereby ceases to be a theoretician, then either the theory is worthless or else the time is not ripe.”. Our use of theory can fulfill this function of transformation as Foucault poses it, and be a tool for political action as described by Deleuze. This transformation must begin with personal empowerment and the actions of people through real democracy, but it will always require a language. Theory can be that language in which we as the Green Party can write a new narrative for this nation and this world.
discourse=structure of meaning
discipline=creation and control of subjects
regulation=creation and control of populations
counting as one=structuring of reality
the event=disruption of structures
fidelity to the event=commitment to truth after the event
body without organs=reality without structures
territorialization=formation of structures
deterritorialization=dissolution of structures
reterritorialization=reformation of structures
molecular=bottom-up resistance
molar=top-down enforcement
the virtual: x+y*y=z
actualization: 2+3*3=11, 3+2*2=7
the actual: 11, 7
Darin Robbins is a Green Party candidate for Corning City Council in 2009, and is a founder and regular contributor to the green theory blog, A Green State of Mind.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Green Fest Clips Posted
Video 1: The Lucky Pluckers, Meg Krywe and Tom Persichilli, performing and Crow Weaver describing the Solar Stage, Aug. 8, 2009, at GreenFest. Video 2: Art Weaver's talk, Aug. 8, 2009, at Green Fest. Videos by Cris McConkey.
Video 3: Dan Miner's talk, Aug. 8, 2009, at Green Fest. Video 4: Conclusion. Videos by Cris McConkey.
Additional videos from the weekend can be downloaded from the archive at
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Doubts in the Midst of Greens
Monday, August 10, 2009
Miner Climate Change Presentation Slides
Bancroft Empire to Earth Community Presentation
Maria Kuriloff Film Clip
Green Fest Livestreamed
To the three wonderful camera persons: Doug Clarke, Don DeBar, and Barry Miller, each of whom gave great presentations and taped other presentations all weekend. Don DeBar's taping was livestreamed. Doug and Barry's videos are being readied for posting
Craig Seeman - producer
Starlene Rankin - co-producer
DJ Green Arrow - whose talk on 9/11 followed by his rapathon kept the streaming going on Friday when we had no other camera
Steve Scher - for moderating the live chat room
Additional videos from the weekend will be streamed at
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fri., Aug. 7, 10:00 am, Registration Opens
Fri., Aug. 7, 12:00 noon, Exhibits Open
Fri., Aug. 7, 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm, Workshop Session 1
Growing Nut Trees Together in New York State, Tom Potts — Kanakadea 104
Earth Consciousness, Tim Bancroft— Steinheim
Gaza's Dilemma, Ismail Mehr — Nevins Theater, Powell Center
9/11 Families and 9/11 Contradictions ... What Side Are We On? DJ Green Arrow— Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
Building Local Sovereignty over Gas Drilling, Mike Bernhard, Mary Jo Long, Rachel Treichler— Kanakadea 105
Fri., Aug. 7, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Workshop Session 2
Creating a New Local Economy in an Old General Store, a panel discussion with Lois Hilton, Elizabeth Thompson, Stephanie English and Courtney Ingham from Tickletown Trust & Trade in Humphrey, NY — Kanakadea 105
Green Media Panel: David Doonan, Deborah Magone, Cyril Mychalejko, Lee Riddell— Nevins Theater, Powell Center
Sustainability in School Dining, John Dietrich, Rome Celli—Dining Room, Powell Center
Nuclear Power is Not Green, Ken Gale—Kanakadea 104
Rainwater Harvesting, Craig Taylor— Steinheim
48 hour Rap on Sustainability and Green Politics begins, DJ Green Arrow — Knight Club, Powell Center
Fri., Aug. 7, 4:15 pm — 5:15 pM, Recreation
Hatha Yoga I & II, Ann Eagan— Knight Club, Powell Center
Drumming, Steve Calkins and Bob Nape— Outdoors, meet in lobby of Powell Center
Hike of Foster Lake Nature Trail, Michele Hluchy — Outdoors, meet in lobby of Powell Center
Swimming — McLane Sports Center Pool
Fri., Aug. 7, 5:30 - 6:30, Dinner
Fri., Aug. 7, 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm, Forum 1
Forum on the Politics of Sustainability: Virginia Rasmussen, "Who Has the Power to Implement Sustainability?" and Cyril Mychelako, "Rights for Nature," Music: Deborah Magone — Nevins Theater, Powell Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 2009
Sat., Aug. 8, 7:00 am - 9:00 am, Showers available
McLane Sports Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 7:30 am - 8:30 am, Breakfast
Sat., Aug. 8, 8:30 am - 9:30 am, Workshop Session 3
Organizing for Peace, Dianne Roe, Paul Zulkowitz— Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
Constructing Pollywogg Holler, Bill Castle— Nevins Theater, Powell Center
Local Food Supply Systems, Jennifer Bertron, Lyn Gerry, Tim Koegel and Peg Eisenhardt— Kanakadea 104
Natural Gas 101: Basics of the Social and Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction, Andrew Byers and Dirk Trachy— Kanakadea 105
Build Your Own Low Cost Solar Collector, Dave Fagan and Mary Joy Cady-Fagan — Steinheim
Sat., Aug. 8, 9:45 am — Exhibits Open
Sat., Aug. 8, 9:45 am — 11:00 am, Forum 2
Forum on Sustainable Energy, Presenters: Art Weaver, "Renewable Energy, the Audacity of Hope, the Reality of Change," and Dan Miner, "The Post Carbon Future," Music: Lucky Pluckers— Solar Stage weather permitting, Nevins Theater if rain
Sat., Aug. 8, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm, Workshop Session 4
Marcellus Shale Basics, Chris Burger — Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Poetry from Place Workshop, Mike Czarnecki— Steinheim
The Battle for Progressive Media, Don DeBar— Knight Club, Powell Center
Importance of Political Theory, Darin Robbins — Kenyon/Allen Room, Powell Center
Small Wind Consumer Education, Roy Butler— Kanakadea 105
Economics as a Cultural System, John Doscher— Kanakadea 104
Sat., Aug. 8, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, Lunch
Sat., Aug. 8, 1:45 pm - 2:45pm, Workshop Session 5
Watershed Protection, with Local Examples, Stephen Lewandowski— Kanakadea 105
9/11 Truth Workshop, Sander Hicks — Knight Club, Powell Center
Traditional Feltmaking, Susannah White and Amelia McIsaac— Outdoors, meet in Powell lobby
Out of Time: Global Warming, Extinctions, and Energy, John Doscher— Kanakadea 104
In Defense of Palestinian Homes and Communities, Beth Harris— Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
Approaches to Landscape for Food Production, Joey Gates— Outdoors, meet in Powell lobby
Zero Waste Workshop, Chris Burger— Steinheim
Sat., Aug. 8, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Workshop Session 6
Build Your Own Wind Turbine Workshop, Barry Miller — Kanakadea 105
Green Media Panel: Don DeBar, Lyn Gerry, Sander Hicks, Steve Welzer— Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
From Empire to Earth Community, Tim Bancroft — Steinheim
It Ain’t Easy Being Green, Carl Romanelli—Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Bottled Water: Plastics, Shortages and Pollution, Ken Gale— Kenyon/Allen Room, Powell Center
Dynamic Conversation about Community Participation, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the Next Ten Years, Andrew Byers and Dirk Trachy — Kanakadea 104
Sat.,Aug. 8, 4:15 pm — 5:15 pm, recreation
Hatha Yoga I & II, Ann Eagan— Knight Club, Powell Center
Drumming, Steve Calkins and Bob Nape— Outdoors, meet in lobby of Powell Center
Hike of Pine Hill Nature Trail, Doug Clarke — Outdoors, meet in lobby of Powell Center
Swimming — McLane Sports Center Pool
Sat., Aug. 8, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Dinner
Sat., Aug. 8, 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm, Forum 3
Joel Kovel, "Revitalizing the Relationship between Humans and Nature," and Tony Gronowicz, "History of Rights for Nature in US",
Music: Crow Weaver—Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 9:00 pm — 11:00 pm, dancing
Al Mead and the Bloodthirsty Vegans — Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
Sun., Aug. 9, 2009
Sun., Aug. 9, 7:00 am - 9:00 am, Showers available
McLane Sports Center
Sun., Aug. 9, 7:30 am - 8:30 am, Breakfast
Sun., Aug. 9, 8:30 am - 9:30 am, Workshop Session 7
Third Parties and the U.S. Experience, Tony Gronowicz—Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
"My Name is Allegany County, " Anti-Nuclear Campaign, Meg Krywe, Burton Stein, others TBA — Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Spiritual Basis for Green Living, Tim Bancroft and Joey Gates— Steinheim
What is Sustainability? Douglas Clarke — Kanakadea 105
Homeopathy Works! Cecile Lawrence— Kanakadea 104
Sun., Aug. 9, 9:45 am — Exhibits Open
Sun., Aug. 9, 9:45 am — 11:15 am, Forum 4
Forum on Sovereignty and Sustainability with Bill Kauffman, "Look Homeward, Greens: Why Localism Matters," Peter Jemison and Lyn Gerry. Poetry by Mike Czarnecki —Solar Stage weather permitting, Nevins Theater if raining
Sun., Aug. 9, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Workshop Session 8
Tofu Making Workshop, Sam Weinreb — Howell Hall, First Floor Kitchen
Post Carbon Cities, Dan Miner— Kanakadea 105
Green Campaigns, Lessons Learned, Joel Kovel, Carl Romanelli, Rome Celli, Don DeBar— Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Political/Environmental Comic Journalism, Tom Keough— Steinheim
Treaty of Canandaigua, Peter Jemison— Kanakadea 104
Sun., Aug. 9, 12:30 pm — 1:30 pm, Lunch
Sun., Aug. 9, 1:45 pm — 3:30 pm, Forum 5
Forum on Visioning a Green Future
Concert: Leonard Lehrman and Helene Williams, Celebrating the Elie Siegmeister Centennial and Other Music Relevant for Our Time
Presentations: Steve Welzer, "What Do We Face?" and Jason Nabewaniec—Howell Hall, Second Floor
Sun., August 9, 3:30 pm, Adjourn
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sander Hicks and DJ Green Arrow on 9/11 Truth
Sander Hicks is a 9/11 truth activist and the author of The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover-up (2005). He is the founder of Soft Skull Press and Vox Pop in Brooklyn. Sander has reported for Alternet, GNN, Long Island Press, New York Press, and INN World Report Television (FSTV, Dish Network). Sander will also appear on a Green media panel at Green Fest.
DJ Green Arrow is an activist and Hip Hop artist. He will perform a 48 hour rap during Green Fest and again in September at the "Real Change and Transparency" Conference in New York City, where he lives. Green will be taking pledges for every hour he raps, with proceeds benefiting 9/11 First Responders.
Gas Drilling Presentations
Fri., Aug. 7, 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm, Workshop Session 1
Building Local Sovereignty over Gas Drilling, Mary Jo Long, Mike Bernhard, Rachel Treichler— Kanakadea 105Fri., Aug. 7, 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm, Forum 1
Forum on the Politics of Sustainability: Virginia Rasmussen, "Who Has the Power to Implement Sustainability?" and Cyril Mychelako, "Rights for Nature," Music: Deborah Magone — Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 8:30 am - 9:30 am, Workshop Session 3
Natural Gas 101: Basics of the Social and Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction, Andrew Byers and Dirk Trachy— Kanakadea 104Sat., Aug. 8, 9:45 am — 11:00 am, Forum 2
Forum on Sustainable Energy, Presenters: Art Weaver, "Renewable Energy, the Audacity of Hope, the Reality of Change," and Dan Miner, "The Post Carbon Future," Music: Lucky Pluckers— Solar Stage
Sat., Aug. 8, 11:15 am - 12:15 am, Workshop Session 4
Marcellus Shale Basics, Chris Burger — Nevins Theater, Powell Campus CenterSat., Aug. 8, 1:45 pm - 2:45pm, Workshop Session 5
Watershed Protection, with Local Examples, Stephen Lewandowski— Kanakadea 104Sat., Aug. 8, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Workshop Session 6
Dynamic Conversation about Community Participation, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the Next Ten Years, Andrew Byers and Dirk Trachy — Kanakadea 105
Sat., Aug. 8, 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm, Forum 3
Forum on Politics and Nature, Joel Kovel and Tony Gronowicz,
Music: Crow Weaver—Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Sun., Aug. 9, 8:30 am - 9:30 am, Workshop Session 7
"My Name is Allegany County, " Anti-Nuclear Campaign, Meg Krywe, Burton Stein, others TBA — Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Sun., Aug. 9, 9:45 am — 11:15 am, Forum 4
Forum on Sovereignty and Sustainability with Bill Kauffman, "Look Homeward, Greens: Why Localism Matters," Peter Jemison and Lyn Gerry. Poetry by Mike Czarnecki —Solar Stage
Sun., Aug. 9, 11:30 am - 12:30 am, Workshop Session 8
Post Carbon Cities, Dan Miner— Kanakadea 104
Treaty of Canandaigua, Peter Jemison— Kanakadea 105Sun., Aug. 9, 1:45 pm — 3:30 pm, Forum 5
Forum on Visioning a Green Future
Concert: Leonard Lehrman and Helene Williams, Presentations: Steve Welzer and Jason Nabewaniec—Howell Hall, Second Floor
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Workshops on Palestine and Peace
Fri., Aug. 7, 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm, Workshop Session 1
Gaza's Dilemma, Ismail Mehr — Nevins Theater, Powell Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 8:30 am - 9:30 am, Workshop Session 3
Organizing for Peace, Dianne Roe, Paul Zulkowitz— Knight Club, Powell Campus Center
Sat., Aug. 8, 11:15 am - 12:15 am, Workshop Session 4
In Defense of Palestinian Homes and Communities, Beth Harris— Kenyon/Allen Room, Powell Campus CenterBeth Harris is a founding member of the Central New York Campaign to End the Occupation of Palestine and professor of politics at Ithaca College. Beth lives in Ithaca, NY.
Ismail Mehr is chief of anesthesiology at Saint James Mercy Hospital in Hornell, NY. He led a team of 9 physicians and 2 non medical personnel on a relief mission to Gaza in conjuction with the Islamic Medical Association of North America just as Israel's military assault on Gaza ended early this year. Ismail lives in Hornell, NY.
Dianne Roe is a founding member of the Central New York Campaign to End the Occupation of Palestine. She has visited Hebron in Palestine a number of times with Christian Peacemaker Teams. Dianne Roe lives in Corning, NY.
zool (Paul H.) Zulkowitz is a life-long antiwar, human rights and environmental activist. Retired from a "Hollywood-on-Hudson" film production career, zool, a member of the Directors Guild of America, is a gardener, sculptor and special events producer. zool is active with many local and international groups, including, among others, the Green Party, Jews Against the Occupation, Witness Against Torture, and Code Pink Women for Peace (with whom he has recently traveled to the Middle East as a member of an Israel/Gaza peace delegation). He lives in Woodmere, NY and Washington, DC.
Workshop on Watershed Protection with Steve Lewandowski
Steve is the Program Director of the Lake Ontario Coastal Initiative. He is a founder of the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Alliance and the Coalition for Hemlock and Canadice Lakes. He has worked as an environmental educator and consultant in the western Finger Lakes for thirty-five years, and has worked closely with protection efforts for Cayuga, Seneca, Keuka, Canandaigua, and Honeoye Lakes. Steve has served on the Boards of the Finger Lakes Land Trust, Friends of Ganondagan State Historic Site, Pegasus Early Music, and the 1816 Quaker Meetinghouse Committee. He is a graduate of Hamilton College and did graduate work with Louis Jones in the Cooperstown Graduate Programs in American Folk Culture and with Howard Nemerov and William Gass at Washington University in St. Louis.
Learn about Home Brewing at Green Fest
Hartsville Sweetwater Home Brewing will be one of the 40 exhibitors in Green Fest's Green Fair. For information about all our exhibitors, visit
Green Fest Site Location

Green Fest 2009 will be held on the campus of Alfred University in Alfred, NY, 80 miles south of Rochester. Workshops and forums will be held in the Powell Campus Center (middle photo above), Kanakadea Hall (left photo) and Steinheim (right photo). Exhibits will be on the lawn in front of the Powell Campus Center and in the lobby. Outdoor performances will take place on a solar-powered stage on lawn. A live webcam of the Powell Campus Center can be viewed at
Click here for directions to Green Fest.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Exhibitors at Green Fest Fair
A Green Fair, with exhibitors, music and performances will take place at the center of Green Fest, August 7 - 9, 2009, on the Alfred University Campus Green in Alfred, NY.
The following exhibitors are confirmed for Green Fest 2009:
ACCORD Corp/Allegany Business Center
Alpaca Breeders of Western New York
Alternative fuel and electric vehicles
Autonomedia, book publishers
Beyond Oil NYC, a Sierra Club NYC project
Chelsea Green Press, book publishers
Campus Sustainability Workbook, Karen Monroe author, Joel Cera illustrator
Carol Doscher, artist
Central New York Campaign to End the Occupation of Palestine
Chenango, Delaware Otsego Gas Group, activist organization
Concerned Citizens of Cattaraugus County, activist organization
DJ Green Arrow, artist
Flowering Heart of Carapace Farm, wool, felt and toys
Foothills Publishing, poetry press
Gaia Girls Books, Lee Welles, author
Green Alfred, student organization
Green Party of New York State, activist organization
Green Party of the United States, activist organization
Hartsville Sweetwater Home Brewing, Peter Reynolds and Chris Romanchock
Home Comfort-All Star Energy, energy efficiency consultants
Hyland Woodcraft Fine Furniture, Sean Hyland, craftsman
Linda Huey, ceramic pottery sculpture
Tom Keough, artist
Barry Miller, wind engineer
Natural Medicine Books, Pat O'Brien, author
New York Nut Growers Association, activist organization
Tom Persichilli, musical instruments, sculpture and fine woodworking
Positive News, alternative newspaper
Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, activist organization
Pluto Press, book publishers
Reusable Materials Depot (RePo), student organization
Shaleshock Citizens Action Alliance, activist organization
Sierra Club Finger Lakes Group, activist organization
Solar is Hot, solar installation services
Unwelcome Guests, alternative radio program
UpsideDownWorld, media collective
Windy Ridge Natural FarmsClick here for information about exhibiting at Green Fest 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hornell Tribune: Green Fest to be held at AU this year
The Alfred University campus will be swarming with crafters, artists, exhibitors, activist groups, environmentally-conscious people, Green Party members and those interested in sustainability practices Aug. 7-9 during Green Fest 2009.
This is the first time the event has taken place outside of the Ithaca area and means extra space and more accommodation options because of the new location. . . .With 45 different workshops and forums and 77 presentors scheduled, events will delve into a variety of topics, including; Marcellus Shale gas drilling, protecting water sheds, the Treaty of Canandaigua, Global Warming and the Allegany County anti-nuclear campaign.
Whether one wants to learn how to build a small wind turbine, make tofu, beer or felt, grow nut trees, perform yoga, sit in on a presentation about the history of Belmont’s Pollywogg Holler or learn how to draw political cartoons, people will come from all over the state — and as far as New York City and central Pennsylvania — to demonstrate and discuss their personal and professional talents, interests and knowledge.
“There is something for just about everybody,” said Treichler, who admits there are too many topics to list.
She said a solar-powered photovoltaic stage will be showcased with musical performances spanning over the weekend. There will also be an alternative vehicle show Saturday afternoon with the possibility of a parade.
Click here for the full articleTuesday, July 7, 2009
Welzer and Nabewaniec Speak on Visioning a Green Future
Steve Welzer was the co- editor of the Green Horizon Quarterly from 2003 to 2008. He is a founder of the Green Party of New Jersey and a member of the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States. He is the editor of The GreenGram, the newsletter of Green Party of New Jersey and writes for Synthesis/Regeneration, a magazine of Green social thought. He was a Green Party candidate for congress from New Jersey in 2008. Steve lives in Hightstown, New Jersey.
Jason Nabewaniec is a Co-Chair of the Green Party US. He works as a design engineer in the public sector and is finishing his Master's thesis in Environmental, Health and Safety Management at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Campus Map
The Powell Campus Center on the Alfred University campus will be the central location for Green Fest 2009. Workshops and presentations will also be held in Kanakadea Hall, Steinheim, and Howell Hall and outdoors on our solar stage and the lawns. The Green Fair will be located on the campus green. The Green Book Fair will be located in the lobby of the Powell Campus Center. Dormitory accommodations are in the Brick Residence Hall.
Click here to download an AU campus map
Click here for a map showing how to get from Alfred to the Foster Lake campground

77 Presenters Confirmed
Tim Bancroft Jennifer Bertron Bloodthirsty Vegans Chris Burger Roy Butler Andrew Byers Steve Calkins Bill Castle Rome Celli C. Douglas Clarke Mary Joy Cody-Fagan Michael Czarnecki Don DeBar John Dietrich David Doonan John Doscher Ann Eagan Stephanie English Dave Fagan Joey Gates Lyn Gerry DJ Green Arrow Tony Gronowicz Ken Harris Sander Hicks Lois Hilton Michele Hluchy Bill Huston Courtney Ingham G. Peter Jemison Jerry Kann Bill Kauffman Tom Keough Joel Kovel Meg Krywe Ron Kuriloff Peter LaVenia Cecile Lawrence | Stephen Lewandowski Ann Link Tony and Mary Lipnicki Carl Lundgren Lucky Pluckers Deborah Magone Amelia McIsaac Alex Mead Ismail Mehr Barry Miller Dan Miner Cyril Mychalejko Jason Nabewaniec Bob Nape Steve Nicholson Jane Pearson Tom Persichilli Tom Potts Virginia Rasmussen Lee Riddell Darin Robbins Dianne Roe Carl Romanelli Rafter T. Sass Gudrun Scott Burton Stein Craig Taylor Elizabeth Thompson Dirk Trachy Rachel Treichler Art Weaver Crow Weaver Sam Weinreb Lee Welles Steve Welzer Susannah White Helene Williams Zool (Paul H.) Zulkowitz |
Leonard Lehrman |
Where to Stay and What to Eat
The registration fee for the entire Green Fest weekend is only $85. This includes all plenary sessions, workshops and activities. Meals and lodging are additional, but very reasonable. If you would like to reserve a camping space, dorm room or meals, you may do so online at, or by printing out and mailing in our registration form.
Dorm rooms and the Saxon Inn are available for lodging on campus. Camping is available at a beautiful lake 2 miles from campus. Transportation will be provided from the campus to the campground. Local bed and breakfasts are also available. Meals prepared from locally-grown food will be served at the Alfred University dining hall. Meals may also be obtained from area restaurants and grocery stores.
Dormitory lodging is available on campus in the Brick Residence Hall, across the campus green from the Powell Campus Center for $25 per person per night. Kids 4-12 are $11.00 per night. Kids 3 and under are free. Bring your own sheets, blankets and towels. Bed linens are available for $10. Apartment suites on campus are also available for $35 per person per night. Each suite has 3 doubles, 1 bath, 1 kitchen, and A/C . There is a maximum of 2 adults and 2 children per room, 6 adults and 6 children per suite. On campus lodging must be reserved before August 3, 2009.
CAMPING: Tent camping is available for $10 per person at Foster Lake, a 25-acre lake 5 min. from the Alfred University campus. Children 12 and under camp for free. Fires are allowed in the grills. Boating is available. Swimming is not allowed in 2009 due to water quality concerns. Transportation will be provided to and from the lake upon request. Showers for campers are available on campus in the McLane Athletic Center. Campers and RV's may stay at Foster Lake or in assigned parking lot on campus (no hook-ups). Camping must be reserved before August 3, 2009.
Getting to Green Fest
Line Bus runs several buses daily between Alfred, Westchester, New York City and Long Island. The bus stop in Alfred is just a couple of blocks from the Green Fest location. Click here for driving directions to Alfred. Offers and requests for rides may be posted on the Green Fest ride board.
Kovel and Gronowicz to Speak on Politics and Nature
Joel Kovel is the editor of the quarterly journal, Capitalism Nature Socialism. From 1988 to 2009, he was Professor of Social Studies at Bard College. Joel has published nine books and over a hundred articles and reviews. His books include White Racism, which was nominated for a National Book Award in 1972; Against the State of Nuclear Terror; In Nicaragua; The Radical Spirit; History and Spirit (1991); Red Hunting in the Promised Land (1994), a study of anticommunist repression in America; The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End of the World (Zed, 2002); and Overcoming Zionism (2007). As an activist, Joel has been engaged in struggles for peace and justice since the Vietnam War era. He has worked within the antiwar and antinuclear movements, the solidarity movements in Central America and the Caribbean, the movements for democratic media, and, increasingly, for ecological transformation. Joel joined the Green Party since 1990. In 1998, he was the Green Party candidate for US Senator from New York, and in 2000 sought the party's Presidential nomination.
Tony Gronowicz teaches U.S. history, global civilization, political science and human geography at the City University of New York. He edited Oswald Garrison Villard: The Dilemmas of the Absolute Pacifist in Two World Wars (1983); and authored Race and Class Politics in New York City Before the Civil War (1998) and Last Western Empire: A History of the United States from Spring to its Fall (2006). Tony was the 2005 Green Party candidate for Mayor of New York City and a 1996 Green Party candidate for State Assembly. He serves on the International Committee of the Green Party of the United States.
Crow Weaver is the founder of the Native Earthling Band in Ithaca. He was born in Virginia and grew up listening to blues, deep southern rock, and rockin' gospel. He started playing guitar when he was 13 and later picked up silver and Native American flutes. He has explored his Native American and Celtic ancestry to create a blend of spiritually-minded, earthy and edgy rock-and-roll. He calls his music Tribal Rock, as it transcends all race and creed to bring people together as one.
Tom Persichilli and Meg Krywe are members of the Lucky Pluckers, a band that performs folk/rock/old-timey music on mostly acoustic instruments built by Tom. Meg will speak at Green Fest about her work in the fight against a nuclear waste dump in Allegany County.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Kauffman, Jemison and Gerry to Speak on Sovereignty and Sustainability
Bill Kauffman is the author of eight books, including With Good Intentions? Reflections on the Myth of Progress in America (1998), Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette: A Mostly Affectionate Account of a Small Town’s Fight to Survive (2003), Look Homeward, America: In Search of Reactionary Radicals and Front-Porch Anarchists (2006), which the American Library Association named one of the best books of 2006 and which won the Andrew Eiseman Writers Award, Ain’t My America: The Long Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism (Henry Holt/ Metropolitan/2008), which Barnes & Noble named one of the best books of 2008; and Forgotten Founder: Drunken Prophet: The Life of Luther Martin (2008). Bill is a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, the American Conservative, the Independent, Counterpunch and Orion. Bill is a critic of development, writes approvingly of distributism and agrarianism, and is strongly anti-corporate. He has described his politics as "a blend of Catholic Worker, Old Right libertarian, Yorker transcendentalist, and delirious localist."
G. Peter Jemison is the manager of Ganondagan State Historic Site, a recreation of a 17th-century Seneca village, located in Victor, New York. He is the editor of Treaty of Canandaigua 1794: 200 Years of Treaty Relations between the Iroquois Confederacy and the United States (2002), and the director of the film, Hanondagonyes 'Town Destroyer,' in which Seneca tribe members re-enact events of the 18th-century colonial wars and the campaign against them. Peter represents the Seneca Nation on repatriation issues, and serves on the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and formerly served on the board of directors of the American Association of Museums. He is also an artist whose work has been widely shown for more than two decades. His paintings and drawings have shown in solo exhibitions at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo and at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, New York. He was the founding director of the American Indian Community House Gallery in New York City.
Lyn Gerry is the host and producer of the Unwelcome Guests radio program about wealth, power, and peoples' resistance to the corporate world order. Unwelcome Guests is broadcast on 20 radio stations across the US, including WEOS Geneva, WXXE-FM Syracuse and Ithaca Community Radio. Lyn is a founder and collective member of the A-Infos Radio Project, and a founder of the revived Watkins Glen Farmers Market.
Michael Czarnecki is a poet and a poetry publisher from Wheeler, NY. Mike, his wife Carolyn, and their sons Grayson and Chapin operate Foothills Publishing, now in its 24th year publishing poetry.